So I've returned from the distant land of Italia. I'm still processing; a year is a long time. I've been giving terrible accounts of my time there so far...from "it was great!" to "um, it was interesting?" It's hard to sum up a whole year in a short sweet explanation (so go here if you want!) Let's leave it at it was a wonderful busy beautiful year and I'm glad to be back (for now).
I've been trying to paint more, but I've found this relaxing lazy summer to be getting in the way. Here is what I've managed to spit out so far--a quick landscape at Malibu, painted on redwood panel (painting on a rough texture was interesting...)
a very quick one of lambchops before they were tossed in a marinade for dinner,
Not too sure about this one...but I definitely want to paint more veggies! Everything at the farmer's market is so colorful and gorgeous right now.
A quick self portrait....I'm half way sick of painting myself, and half driven insane to want to get it right one of these days!
And finally, a conte self portrait I just did. I don't think I've done one of these since Yu Ji's intermediate life drawing class, but I think I actually really like the material..more color than just charcoal or graphite, but not so much as to distract me from everything else!
That's all for now. Moving back to LB soon...I'm excited to get immersed in school once more. I'll keep you posted :)
3d Printed Bowser
10 months ago